Tahoe Forest Health System announces leadership change

TRUCKEE, Calif. – The Tahoe Forest Hospital District Board of Directors and President and CEO Harry Weis have mutually agreed to part ways, a press release from the health district stated. The Board extends its gratitude to Weis for his nine years of dedicated service to the health system, during which he significantly improved the quality of care for patients and the wellness of the community.

Throughout his tenure, Weis achieved notable milestones, including bringing financial stability to the District amidst frequent challenges. He was instrumental in establishing rural health clinics that provide high-level services, and under his leadership, the District established a Level 3 Trauma Center. Additionally, the health system experienced a threefold increase in provider clinic visits and a fourfold increase in other outpatient visits.

Weis also introduced a hospital-wide gain sharing program, incentivizing employees to enhance performance, and led initiatives to improve access to care. He played a key role in developing the Joint Powers Authority to address workforce housing issues faced by the District and its partner agencies.

The Board of Directors has decided to pursue a new leadership direction, a decision within its purview. Consequently, Tahoe Forest Health System and Weis have agreed on a mutual separation, with his last day as CEO being June 14, 2024. During the transition, Weis was placed on paid administrative leave, which was non-disciplinary and should not be interpreted otherwise.

Weis expressed his gratitude, stating, “I thank my incredible team for making these past nine years the most remarkable period of improvement for our patients in the 75-year history of the health system.” The Board also extends its best wishes to Harry for his future endeavors.

The District is embarking on an executive search to fill the Chief Executive Officer position. The process will be managed by an independent third party search firm and is in the earliest of stages.

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