Tahoe regional evacuation plan available for public comments

LAKE TAHOE REGION, Nev./Calif. – Coordinating agencies are accepting public comment on an evacuation plan covering the entire Tahoe region, released on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

Regional fire, law and emergency personnel from both California and Nevada, spanning the five counties touching the Tahoe region have collaborated and created the new Lake Tahoe Regional Evacuation Plan. The plan applies insights from past major wildfires.

The plan is what organization agencies are calling a living document, intended to be updated from time to time.

The plan provides information pertinent to all of the Tahoe Basin at the front and provides seven annexes that follow with more information for specific areas.

“Local emergency experts recognize that planning for a large wildfire that will require evacuations is a reality for the Tahoe Basin,” Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District’s announcement on the plan states.

The public can comment on the plan for a sixty day period that ends on Nov. 20.

Those wishing to do so can submit comments by emailing Michelle Turner with Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District at

The plan in available online at laketahoeregionalevacuationplan.pdf.

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